adiunkt w jednostce Katedra Teorii Organizacji
Agnieszka Wiśniewska
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Podstawowe informacje o użytkowniku
Koordynowane przedmioty
2023Z - Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics 2600-MFS-CSRBE-Host
2023Z - Advanced Meat Science and Technology (UHOH) 2600-MFS-UHOH-AmSiT
2023Z - AgFoodTech (UHOH) 2600-MFS-UHOH2-AGT
2023Z - An Introduction to Food Systems: Scientific, Technical and Socioeconomic Principles to Facilitate the Creation of Food Value Networks 2600-MFS11-SPOC
2023Z - CSR and Business Ethics 2600-MFS-CSRBE
2023Z - CSR and Business Ethics 2600-MFS-CSRBEa-Host
2023Z - Consumer Behavior 2600-MFS-CB
2023Z - Consumer Behavior 2600-MFS-CB-Host
2023Z - Emerging Technologies Business Case 2600-MFS-ETBC
2023Z - Encapsulation of Functional Food Components (UHOH) 2600-MFS-UHOH-EFFC
2023Z - Food Safety Management Systems (UNITO) 2600-MFS-UNITO3-FSMS
2023Z - Food System Logistics 2600-MFS-FSL-Host
2023Z - Food System Logistics 2600-MFS-FSL-home
2023Z - Food System Marketing 2600-MFS-FSM-Host
2023Z - Food System Marketing 2600-MFS-FSM-home
2023Z - Food Toxicology (UNITO ) 2600-MFS-UNITO2-FTOX
2023Z - Food, Consumer and Innovation (AA) 2600-MFS-AA-FCI
2023Z - Future animal-based food (AA) 2600-MFS-AA-Fabf
2023Z - Integrated Bioprocess Engineering - Bioseparation Process Science (Downstream Processing) (UHOH) 2600-MFS-UHOH-IBEBPS
2023Z - Intercultural Communication in Business 2600-MFS-ICB-Host
2023Z - Intercultural Communication in Business 2600-MFS-ICB-home
2023Z - Management 2600-MFS-M-Host
2023Z - Management 2600-MFS-M-home
2023Z - Management of Innovation & Technology 2600-MFS-MIT
2023Z - Management of Innovation & Technology 2600-MFS-MIT-Host
2023Z - Micrological Risks in the Food System (UNITO) 2600-MFS-UNITO5-MIC
2023Z - Project Management for New Product Development 2600-MFS-PMPD
2023Z - Project Management for New Product Development 2600-MFS-PMPD-host
2023Z - Project Work in Sensory Science Importance of Sensory Characteristics in the Acceptability of Insect-Based Foods. ( AA) 2600-MFS-AA-PRiSS
2023Z - Project Work in Sensory Science Sausage Casing Impact: Exploring Aroma Compound Dynamics and Sensory Traits (AA) 2600-MFS-AA-PWiSSa
2023Z - Social Skills and Team Building 2600-MFS-SSTB-Host
2023Z - Social Skills and Team Building 2600-MFS-SSTB-home
2023Z - Study Design and Analysis (AA) 2600-MFS-AA-SDA
2023Z - Sustainable Supply Chains for Food Systems 2600-MFS-SSFS
2023Z - Sustainable Supply Chains for Food Systems 2600-MFS-SSFS-Host
2023L - AgFoodTech (UHOH) 2600-MFS-UHOH2-AGT
2023L - CSR and Business Ethics 2600-MFS-CSRBEa-Host
2023L - Consumer Behavior 2600-MFS-CB-Host
2023L - Food System Logistics 2600-MFS-FSL-Host
2023L - Food System Marketing 2600-MFS-FSM-Host
2023L - Food Technology for Formulation 2600-MFS-LU-FTF
2023L - Food, Tradition and Innovation 2600-MFS-LU-FTI
2023L - Industrial Environmental Management 2600-MFS-LU-IEM
2023L - Intercultural Communication in Business 2600-MFS-ICB-Host
2023L - Management 2600-MFS-M-Host
2023L - Management of Innovation & Technology 2600-MFS-MIT
2023L - Management of Innovation & Technology 2600-MFS-MIT-Host
2023L - Market Research 2600-MFS-MP
2023L - Master Thesis Seminar 2600-MFS-SEM
2023L - Post-Harvest Technology of Food and Bio-Based Products (UHOH) 2600-MFS-UHOH3-PHT
2023L - Project Management for New Product Development 2600-MFS-PMPD
2023L - Project Management for New Product Development 2600-MFS-PMPD-host
2023L - Social Skills and Team Building 2600-MFS-SSTB-Host
2023L - Social Skills and Team Building 2600-MFS-SSTB-home
2023L - Sustainable Food Processing and Packaging 2600-MFS-LU-SFPP
2023L - Sustainable Supply Chains for Food Systems 2600-MFS-SSFS
2023L - Sustainable Supply Chains for Food Systems 2600-MFS-SSFS-Host
2024Z - An Introduction to Food Systems: Scientific, Technical and Socioeconomic Principles to Facilitate the Creation of Food Value Networks 2600-MFS11-SPOC
2024Z - CSR and Business Ethics 2600-MFS-CSRBE
2024Z - CSR and Business Ethics 2600-MFS-CSRBEa-Host
2024Z - Consumer Behavior 2600-MFS-CB
2024Z - Consumer Behavior 2600-MFS-CB-Host
2024Z - Emerging Technologies Business Case 2600-MFS-ETBC
2024Z - Food System Logistics 2600-MFS-FSL-Host
2024Z - Food System Logistics 2600-MFS-FSL-home
2024Z - Food System Marketing 2600-MFS-FSM-Host
2024Z - Food System Marketing 2600-MFS-FSM-home
2024Z - Intercultural Communication in Business 2600-MFS-ICB-Host
2024Z - Intercultural Communication in Business 2600-MFS-ICB-home
2024Z - Management 2600-MFS-M-Host
2024Z - Management 2600-MFS-M-home
2024Z - Management of Innovation & Technology 2600-MFS-MIT
2024Z - Management of Innovation & Technology 2600-MFS-MIT-Host
2024Z - Project Management for New Product Development 2600-MFS-PMPD
2024Z - Project Management for New Product Development 2600-MFS-PMPD-host
2024Z - Social Skills and Team Building 2600-MFS-SSTB-Host
2024Z - Social Skills and Team Building 2600-MFS-SSTB-home
2024Z - Sustainable Supply Chains for Food Systems 2600-MFS-SSFS
2024Z - Sustainable Supply Chains for Food Systems 2600-MFS-SSFS-Host
2024Z - Zarzadzanie projektami inwestycyjnymi 2600-MFBRdz1ZPI
2024Z - Zarzadzanie projektami inwestycyjnymi 2600-MFBRz1ZPI
Prowadzone przedmioty
2023Z - Seminarium magisterskie 2600-MSMdz2SM:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 39), Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 47)
2023Z - Zarządzanie projektami inwestycyjnymi 2600-MSFRdz1ZPIN:
Ćwiczenia (grupa 1), Ćwiczenia (grupa 2), Ćwiczenia (grupa 3), Ćwiczenia (grupa 4), Ćwiczenia (grupa 5), Ćwiczenia (grupa 6)