Literatura: |
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Artykuły naukowe:
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Źródła internetowe:
Zakres tematów: |
Introductory Remarks: Class Organization, Literature Overview, Conceptualization of Key Terminology.
European Regions and Subnational Democracy in Europe: Comparative Reflections
Theories of Regional and Local Development - Selected Cases
The Principle of Subsidiarity in Context of Multilevel Governance in the European Union
The Structural Power of the European Union: Diplomatic, Political, Economic-Financial Instruments
The Evolution of the Regional Policy of the European Union
EU Funds as Instruments of the EU Regional Policy
The Essence and Principles of EU Cohesion Policy
Structural Reforms in EU Cohesion Policy
The Multi-tiered Dimension of the Social Policy of the European Union
Employment Policy-making in the European Union
Regional Dimension of the EU Environmental Policy Change
Structural Reforms in a Time of Crisis: Trends and Challenges
The Development Prospects of European Regions.