Uniwersytet Warszawski, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych - Centralny System Uwierzytelniania
Strona główna

Public International Law 2104-UPIR-D3PINL
Wykład (WYK) Semestr zimowy 2024/25

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Strona zajęć: https://kampus-student2.ckc.uw.edu.pl/course/view.php?id=3747
Liczba godzin: 30
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Egzamin
Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

Recommended Reading Materials:

Rebecca M. M. Wallace (RMMW), International Law, London, Sweet and Maxwell, latest available edition,

Malcolm N. Shaw (MNS), International Law, Cambridge University Press, latest available edition,

Jan Klabbers (JK), International Law, Cambridge University Press, second edition 2017

Anders Henriksen (AH), International Law, Oxford University Press, 2017

Sources of international law which can be obtained directly from the internet and will be indicated for each class separately (see below).

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Requirements and assessment method:

In order to successfully complete the course the participants are required to:

Successfully complete the classes - according to the rule presented by dr Joanna Sapieżko-Samordak.

Attend the lectures – I will take your attendance and verify it now and then

Final exam - written form

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)

1. 20 October 2020:

Nature and Characteristics of International Law. The Development of International Law

Reading (always choose one from the proposed, unless otherwise indicated):

RMMW Introduction

MNS Chapter 1 and 2

JK Chapter 1

AH Chapter 1, pp. 1-12


UN Charter

Statute of the International Court of Justice (Article 38), annexed to the UN Charter, San Francisco 26 June 1945

Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the U.N, annexed to GA Res. 2625 (XXV), 24 October 1970

Final Act of CSCE, Helsinki, 1 August 1975, https://www.osce.org/files/f/documents/5/c/39501.pdf.

2. 27 October 2020:

International Community., Principles of International Law.

Reading: continued from topic 1.

3. 3 November 2020:

Sources of international Law


RMMW Chapter 2

MNS Chapter 3

JK Chapter 2

AH Chapter 2


Statute of the International Court of Justice, esp. Article 38. Available at http://www.icj-cij.org/en/statute

4. 10 November 2020:

Subjects of International Law


RMMW Chapter 4; pp. 75-88.

MNS Chapter 5; 9

JK Chapter 4

AH Chapter 4


Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, 26 December 1933

Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of States, 1949 by International Law Commission

5. 17 November 2020:

International Organizations as subjects of International Law


MNS Chapter 22

Charter of the United Nations, op. cit.

JK Chapter 4, pp. 90-95, Chapter 5, pp. 108-110

ICJ, Reparation for Injuries Suffered in the Service of the United Nations, Advisory Opinion of April 1949, ICJ Reports 1949, 174-185

6. 24 November 2020:

Territory in International Law


1. RMMW Chapter 5

2. MNS Chapter 10


3. The Corfu Channel Case (I.C.J. Reports, 1949)

4. Nuclear Test Cases, New Zealand v. France, 1974

7. 1 December 2020:

The Law of the Sea


RMMW Chapter 7

MNS Chapter 11

JK Chapter 13, pp.255-269

AH Chapter 8


United Nations Convention on the Law of the See, Montego Bay 10 December 1982. Available at: http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/unclos/unclos_e.pdf

Convention on International Civil Aviation, signed at Chicago on 7 December 1944

8. 8 December 2020:

Air Law and Space Law


RMMW Chapter pp. 101-107

MNS Chapter 9, 10, 11

JK Chapter 13, pp. 271-277


Rules in Space, https://aeon.co/essays/we-urgently-need-a-legal-framework-for-space-colonisation

9. 15 December 2020:

Population and Individuals in International Law

Reading :

RMMW Chapter 9, pp. 70-73

MNS Chapter 5, pp. 251-258

JK Chapter 6


ICJ, Nottebohm Case, Lichtenstein vs. Guatemala), ICJ Reports, 1955

1957 European Convention on Extradition (Council of Europe)

1997 European Convention on Nationality (Council of Europe)

11. 22 December 2020:

Human Rights. Refugee protection in International Law (I)

Reading :

RMMW Chapter 9

MNS Chapter 6 and 7

AH Chapter 9


Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 1948, available at http://www.unhchr.ch/udhr/index.htm

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, 16 December 1966, available at http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CCPR.aspx

and http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CESCR.aspx

European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 4 November 1950, available at http://conventions.coe.int/Treaty/EN/Treaties/Html/005.htm

Guy S. Goodwin Gill, International Law of refugee protection, in: E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, G. Loescher, K. Long, N. Sigona (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Refugees and Forced Migration Studies, Oxford, OUP, 2014, pp. 36-47.

12. 12 January 2020:

Human Rights. Refugee protection in International Law (II)

Reading: continued from class 11.

13. 19 January 2020:

Criminal responsibility of individuals

Reading :

MNS Chapter 8, pp. 232-241

JK Chapter 12

AH Chapter 15


Convention on the Punishment and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, 9 December 1948, available at http://www.ohchr.org/english/law/warcrimes.htm

ICJ, ‘Genocide Case’, Judgment of 26 February 2007,

International Criminal Court https://www.icc-cpi.int/

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia http://www.un.org/icty/

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda http://unictr.unmict.org/en/tribunal

See also: UNMICT http://www.unmict.org/en

Special Court for Sierra Leone http://www.rscsl.org

14. 26 January 2020:

The Use of Force in International Law. Humanitarian Intervention. RtoP. International Humanitarian Law of armed conflict. International Humanitarian Law of Armed Conflicts


RMMW Chapter 11

MNS Chapter, 20, 21

JK Chapter 10, 11

AH Chapter 13, 14

Simon Chesterman, R2P and Humanitarian Intervention: From Apology to Utopia and Back Again, in: Robin Geiß & Nils Melzer (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on the International Law of Global Security, Oxford University Press, 2018, https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3224116

The Charter of the United Nations: Articles 24 and 25, Chapters VII and VIII

Grupy zajęciowe

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1 każdy wtorek, 11:30 - 13:00, sala aula - parter
Dorota Heidrich 89/80 szczegóły
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Pałac Zamojskich - Nowy Świat 69
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