adiunkt w jednostce Katedra Data Science
Marcin Chlebus
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Koordynowane przedmioty
2023Z - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090B
2023Z - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123B
2023Z - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055B
2023Z - Statistics and Econometrics 2400-QFU1STE
2023L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090A
2023L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090C
2023L - Data Science – Consulting Approach 2400-ZEWW898
2023L - Econometric modelling of binary variable - methods of Credit Risk scorecards development in R 2400-ZEWW752
2023L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123A
2023L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123C
2023L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055A
2023L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055C
2023L - Understanding Business 2400-DS2UB
2024Z - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090B
2024Z - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123B
2024Z - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055B
2024Z - Statistics and Econometrics 2400-QFU1STE
2024L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090A
2024L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090C
2024L - Data Science – Consulting Approach 2400-ZEWW949
2024L - Econometric modelling of binary variable - methods of Credit Risk scorecards development in R 2400-ZEWW752
2024L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123A
2024L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123C
2024L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055A
2024L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055C
2024L - Understanding Business 2400-DS2UB
2024L - Understanding Deep Learning 2400-ZEWW948
Prowadzone przedmioty
2023Z - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090B:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023Z - Modelowanie ryzyka kredytowego – budowa kart scoringowych w R 2400-ZEWW747:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023Z - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123B:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023Z - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055B:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090A:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090C:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023L - Development and management of Credit Risk Models in the banking area 2400-ZEWW908:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Econometric modelling of binary variable - methods of Credit Risk scorecards development in R 2400-ZEWW752:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2023L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123A:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123C:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055A:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2023L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055C:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024Z - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090B:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024Z - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123B:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024Z - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055B:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024L - Applications of Explainable AI in Predictive Modelling 2400-ZEWW947:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2024L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090A:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024L - Business Decisions Modeling using Machine Learning, Econometric Modelling and Explainable Artificial Intelligence 2400-ENSM090C:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024L - Development and management of Credit Risk Models in the banking area 2400-ZEWW908:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2024L - Econometric modelling of binary variable - methods of Credit Risk scorecards development in R 2400-ZEWW752:
Konwersatorium (grupa 1)
2024L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123A:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024L - Modelowanie ryzyka w instytucjach finansowych. Ryzyko kredytowe, rynkowe, operacyjne i inne 2400-PLSM123C:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)
2024L - Risk modelling in financial institutions. Credit, market, operational and other types of risk 2400-ENSM055A:
Seminarium magisterskie (grupa 1)